Becoming One With Nature-Even After Death: Natural Options For A Loved One's Cremated Remains


The loss of a friend or family member can be overwhelming. From the initial shock of their death and the enormous ache in your heart to the stressful expenses that are necessary to say goodbye, it is easy to see the challenges. However, cremation memorial services can be comforting for you and the rest of your family so they are imperative aspects of death. With 42 percent of the deceased cremated in 2011 alone, you may be considering this option for your own family member.

5 February 2015

4 Common Tummy Troubles Relieved Naturally


Mild gastrointestinal problems are among the most common complaints that can be alleviated with simple products. If you experience frequent stomach discomfort, you should keep several natural remedies available. Halt Heartburn Heartburn is often the result of eating the wrong food, but in rare cases, heartburn can be a chronic problem. If you experience occasional problems with heartburn, consider adding a special herb mixture to your arsenal. The herb mixture contains chamomile, milk thistle, peppermint, candytuft, caraway, licorice, balm, angelica and celandine.

15 January 2015

4 Ways To Preserve Your Fertility During Cancer Treatment


At a recent doctor's appointment, you experienced the worst day of your life thus far when a trusted physician diagnosed you with cancer.  Without warning, the direction of your life suddenly and violently changed course.  Almost immediately, you began to worry about your future ability to bear children.  If you can relate to this scenario, you may wish to learn more about the following 4 ways to preserve your fertility during cancer treatment.

15 January 2015