
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Demystified

Health & Medical Blog

If you are familiar with obsessive-compulsive disorder, also known as OCD, you may know that it involves intrusive thoughts and behaviors. But do you know that treatment for this condition is available? Why Do Some People Have OCD?  OCD often develops as a reaction to stress or trauma, such as a death in the family, divorce, physical or emotional abuse, and other difficult life events. It is important to note that not everyone who experiences these types of traumatic events will develop OCD.

16 May 2023

What To Expect Before, During, And After Cataract Surgery

Health & Medical Blog

If you have cataracts, then your vision may be cloudy, dim, and blurred. Your eye doctor can increase the power of your prescription glasses to enhance your vision,  however, this may not be a suitable permanent solution. Conversely, removing the cataract and replacing the clouded lens with a clear implant will greatly improve your vision. Cataract surgery is considered a permanent long-term treatment option for those with cataracts. Here are some things you can expect at the surgery center before, during, and after your cataract procedure.

5 April 2023

How To Prepare For Your First Flu Shot

Health & Medical Blog

If you're about to take the flu shot for the first time, you may have some concerns. If you're one of those people who don't like vaccines but have decided to forge ahead with the flu shot because you have heard of its benefits, you may be wondering what you can do to make the experience more comfortable. Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do to make things go a little more smoothly.

28 February 2023

Orthopedic Physical Therapy: Common FAQs

Health & Medical Blog

Orthopedic physical therapy (also referred to as ortho PT) is one type of physical therapy that is centered around the functional use of the orthopedic system. The orthopedic system is made up of everything from your bones and joints to your muscles and ligaments. This type of therapy is typically reserved for specific situations and can differ from typical physical therapy in several ways. Take a look at a few of the most common questions prospective patients tend to have about ortho PT.

20 January 2023

How Does Winter Weather Affect Your Eyes?

Health & Medical Blog

Winter weather can take a toll on the overall condition of your eyes. Many people fail to realize the need for additional eye protection during the winter months. In order to appreciate the importance of winter eye care, you must become familiar with the many ways in which winter weather can affect your eyes. 1. Dry Heat If you live in a cold climate, you probably turn up the thermostat on your heater when outdoor temperatures dip.

12 December 2022

Why Physicians Are Using Stem Cells To Treat Knee Pain

Health & Medical Blog

In some cases, such as with knee pain, stem cells can be removed from the body and injected in order to reduce pain. While this will not completely eliminate pain, the injection of stem cells into the body can alleviate pain to some extent and is something you should discuss with your doctor.  Why Stem Cells Are Used Stem cells are removed from your bone marrow and are used to repair your knee cartilage.

10 November 2022

Been Diagnosed With Cancer? Why You Need A Second Opinion For Treatment

Health & Medical Blog

If you've been diagnosed with cancer, now's the time to get a second opinion. If you're worried that a second opinion will slow down your treatment, that's not the case. In fact, you can start treatment while you're waiting for your second opinion. If you're not sure you need a second opinion, read the list provided below. Here are four important reasons to get a second opinion for your cancer diagnosis.

5 October 2022

Why Should You Should See An Erectile Dysfunction Doctor Instead Of Self-Medication

Health & Medical Blog

Have you been promised a wonder drug for erectile dysfunction (ED)? It's not uncommon to see bold claims online for a drug that can cure ED. Most people also routinely buy over-the-counter 'boosters' that have not gone through a proper vetting process. Self-medication is the process of treating health problems or symptoms with drugs or alcohol that have not been prescribed by a doctor. It is a dangerous practice that can lead to addiction and other health problems.

31 August 2022

Skin Issues That Your Doctor Will Assess

Health & Medical Blog

When you visit your family doctor for your regular checkup, they'll go through a lengthy list of steps to assess your overall health. One thing that your doctor will often do is assess your skin to ensure that everything looks healthy. A skin assessment doesn't take long and isn't uncomfortable at all. The doctor will often ask you various health-related questions as they carefully scan your skin and note anything relevant.

28 June 2022

Everything You Need To Know About Breast Pumps

Health & Medical Blog

It's no secret that breast milk is the best food for newborns. Not only does it provide all the nutrients they need to grow and develop, but it also contains antibodies that help protect them from infection. Breastfeeding, however, is not always possible for all mothers. For some, it may be a matter of not being able to produce enough milk. Others may have to return to work soon after their baby is born and cannot pump milk while they are away.

28 June 2022