I have always been in pretty good health, so I was surprised one day when my doctor told me my blood pressure was a bit high. She told me to begin watching my salt intake, start exercising, and to try to relax. Well, I intended to follow her advice when I left her office, but the next day I was back to my same habits. I kept using the salt shaker and didn't begin an exercise routine like I had planned. When I went for my next check-up, she told me that my blood pressure was even higher and approaching a dangerous level. I had to begin a blood pressure medication to manage it. I wanted to create a blog to share my story and remind people to listen to their doctors' advice. If a few lifestyle changes can improve your health, then you should make them.
Although hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, is more commonly used by women with menopause and osteoporosis, it may benefit men as well. If your doctor plans to use male hormone replacement therapy to improve your low libido and testosterone levels, you can help make your treatment a success by changing your lifestyle. Changing how you exercise, consume caffeine and eat meals may be things you can do right now. These types of changes may help your hormone replacement drugs work better because your body's cleaner and healthier inside. If you're ready to move forward with your hormone replacement therapy, keep reading. Here are things you can do to help make your treatment a success and why.
Protect Your Kidney's Hormone Production By Reducing Your Caffeine Intake
The kidneys filter impurities, such as germs and old blood cells, from your body. In order to carry out their functions, the kidneys make their own vitamin D However, drinking large amounts of caffeine, such as coffee and energy drinks, may limit or stop these functions during and after your male HRT.
Although vitamin D is considered a nutrient or mineral, it's actually a hormone. Most of your vitamin D comes from the dairy products you consume each day. It's also produced in your skin after you go out into direct sunlight. Your kidneys make a significant amount of vitamin D on a daily basis. However, a number of studies and resources, such as the Vitamin D Council, report that men who have low vitamin D in their bodies may experience a reduction in their testosterone levels.
Caffeine is known to dry out the kidneys because it's a diuretic. If your kidneys don't receive the right amount of fresh water each day, they may not have the ability to produce enough vitamin D, which means that your testosterone levels may decrease even further.
In most cases, your kidneys may absorb more calcium from your blood and form kidney stones. Calcium is critical in the absorption of vitamin D. Men with low testosterone may also develop osteoporosis when they can't make or regulate vitamin D and calcium in their bodies.
Although researchers continue to examine the connection between vitamin D loss and low testosterone, you may wish to exchange your caffeinated beverages with water, unsweetened fruit juice and low-sodium vegetable juice. Your hormone replacement doctor may offer tips on what you can drink to improve the vitamin D production in your kidneys.
Perform Low-Impact Cardio Exercises With Your Doctor's Approval
Lifting weights may strengthen your bones, but it may not encourage a healthy blood circulation to your heart. According to some sources, lower testosterone levels may affect the health of your heart's muscle tissue and blood vessels. You may increase the blood circulation and strength of your heart with low-impact cardio exercises with your doctor's approval.
Keep in mind that some drug replacement hormones may increase your heart rate, blood pressure and other health risks during treatment, so it's essential that you speak to your physician before beginning any exercise plan or change. With careful monitoring and planning, your hormone therapy may not cause problems.
If the doctor doesn't note any potentially dangerous problems with your heart, such as weakened heart valves, they may offer suggestions about the best low-impact exercises you can try at home. Walking on a treadmill or outdoors may be options for you, depending on your age, extent of hormone replacement therapy and overall health.
If necessary, ask your doctor for a referral to a physical therapist. A physical therapist may develop a safe and effective exercise plan that works for you while you're taking your hormone replacement drugs.
If you have concerns about your male hormone replacement therapy, vitamin D or heart health, consult with your doctor immediately, or contact a clinic like Genemedics Health Institute.
Share2 July 2015