3 Things To Know About Getting Trained To Offer DBT

Health & Medical Articles

If you are a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist and want to expand your services, you might want to consider getting certified to offer dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). This form of therapy is widely recognized and used in the field you are in and is extremely effective when used properly. Before you look into training, you might want to learn more about what DBT, what it involves, and how it works.

21 April 2017

Treatments Used To Fight Treatment-Resistant Depression

Health & Medical Blog

If you have mild, moderate, or severe depression, then you may find relief through the use of oral antidepressant medications. However, some people do not find the relief they are looking for. In fact, 30% of individuals with depression will have treatment resistant depression. This means that more traditional treatments like the use of antidepressants may not be helpful. However, there are some things that can offer assistance. Keep reading to find out what they are.

14 April 2017

3 Misconceptions About Breast Cancer and the Facts

Health & Medical Blog

A lump in your breast does not automatically mean that you have breast cancer. Your belief that you might have it is likely based on misinformation that has been spread about lumps and breast cancer. To help you understand the truth, here are some of the myths about breast cancer and the facts.   A Breast Lump Is Likely Cancer Finding a breast lump can be scary, but there is likely no cause for worry.

7 April 2017

Dealing With Rhinitis

Health & Medical Blog

Rhinitis is the medical term for a stuffy nose, and if you tend to end up dealing with rhinitis often, then you know what a drag it can be. This article will offer you a lot of helpful information on some of the common causes of a stuffy nose and give you advice on some of the things that you can do in order to prevent some of those stuffy noses from showing up.

7 April 2017

How Prevention And Antiviral Treatment From Compound Pharmacies Help With The Flu

Health & Medical Blog

When people suffer from the flu, they are often out of commission for extended periods of time. This problem can be a frustrating experience, especially if it makes a person waste sick days at work. Thankfully, a regimen of antiviral medication and prevention techniques from compound pharmacies can help here. Antiviral Drugs Are An Important Way Of Fighting The Flu Antiviral drugs are designed to attack various forms of diseases by destroying the viruses that cause them.

4 April 2017

Tips For Talking To Your Parents About Birth Control

Health & Medical Blog

If you have religious or conservative parents that believe that using birth control could result in you having sex before marriage or at a younger age, they might not be too interested in allowing you to get birth control. This can be frustrating if you are a teenager that relies on your parents for insurance and for transportation to the doctor to be prescribed birth control. Here are some tips for talking to your parents about birth control in order to adjust their focus from sex to how birth control is going to benefit you physically.

30 March 2017

See Your Gynecologist Annually And Reap The Benefits Of Ensuring Valuable Reproductive System Health Care

Health & Medical Blog

Certain diseases including cervical cancer, ovarian cancer and breast cancer do not show obvious symptoms. So it's best that you undergo annual gynecological exams to ensure that your reproductive organs are healthy and free of diseases that might cause you to lose your life later on. You should ideally begin having yearly gyn exams when you reach 21 years of age or even earlier if you are sexually active. See your gynecologist annually and reap the health benefits of ensuring valuable reproductive system health care.

22 March 2017

3 Tips For Taking Care Of Your Eyes During The Spring


The arrival of spring means more than just warmer temperatures and flowers blooming. It can be a tough time for your eyes. You can suffer from everything from dry eyes to runny eyes. If you struggle with eye problems during the spring, here are some ways you can protect your eyes throughout the season.  Switch to Eyeglasses If you wear contact lenses, dealing with seasonal allergies will be complicated. The lenses do not cause you to have allergies, but they can exacerbate the situation.

15 March 2017

Parents: This Is How You Will Know Whether To Go To Pediatric Urgent Care Or The ER

Health & Medical Blog

In the past parents had little choice but to take their ill children to the emergency room if their pediatricians' offices were closed. Today's parents have more flexibility when it comes to choosing where to take their children after-hours. This is because there are many pediatric urgent care facilities throughout the nation. The issue is that some parents do not know which situations warrant a trip to the ER or to an urgent care facility.

10 March 2017

Do You Compete In Combat Sports? 3 Signs You Have A Deviated Septum

Health & Medical Blog

From boxing to mixed martial arts, combat sports athletes are no strangers to the physical damage that comes from competing in such aggressive forms of competition. As a combat sports competitor, even if you're as evasive as Floyd Mayweather, odds are good that your nose has taken damage over the years. When the damage is severe enough, you develop a deviated septum, which is a condition where the bone and cartilage in your nose become very crooked.

8 March 2017